
ABOUt us

ABOUt us

MVMT Montreal is a movement community based primarily on the Ido Portal Method,

our movement teacher and main inspiration.

Ido has been a pioneer in his field for nearly 20 years and we are following his path.

We are not just a place to practice,

but a movement community that strive to collaborate and explore together .

Our Objective is to help our students redefine their physicality

and improve their existence of living in a body

Our Practice is unlimited. We are shifting between many different movement disciplines

such as dance, Capoeira, gymnastics, yoga, martial arts & more.

Our Approach is integrating and exploring diverse fields as mobility, coordination, balance,

locomotion, floor work, handstand, rings and hanging 

To assist our students broaden their movement horizons.

Our Classes are varied, playful, and suitable for people of all ages and ability levels.

We have both personal games and partner games to improve your abilities.

Movement Practice

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